
Apr 9, 20232 min

Art Exhibition in Robin Hood's Bay

Land and Sea is the latest Art Exhibition in Robin Hood's Bay by the Robin Hood's Bay Arts Group. It runs from the 8th to the 16th of April 2023 and the Gallery is open daily from 10am to 4pm. On the walls you'll see a wide variety of paintings from bold colourful abstract acrylics to loose expressive oils and delicate watercolours. About ten artists have contributed work, each with individual styles so there should be something on display to suit most peoples tastes.

Bay Ness Field, Robin Hood's Bay by Enid Allen

Robin Hood's Bay Arts Group is run by six women who took the studio over in 2016 because they didn't want to see this versatile space lost to the community of Robin Hood's Bay and surrounding area. We run two 2 hour sessions on a Tuesday afternoon 2-4pm and evening 7-9pm where you can work on your own projects or get some guidance if you are a beginner. None of us profess to be teachers but we're all happy to help and have skills we're willing to demonstrate. The first session is free and if you decide to come again it's £10 thereafter. Half-time usually involves tea or coffee and homemade cake.

Martins Row, Robin Hood's Bay by Trish Connell

We hold two Exhibitions a year, one in the Spring and one in early Autumn where we show are latest work. We also have prints and cards for sale.

If you want to find out more about us as individual artists have a look at our about page on the website.

If you have a certain view in mind we also accept commissions, you can find out more about how to commission an artist here

Robin Hood's Bay from the beach by Joan Newton

So why not come and show your support for local Robin Hood's Bay Artists and come and see us at our Gallery. You can find us through the main car park in Robin hood's Bay past the village Hall. Just follow the flags.

Thorpe Hall by Louise Connell
