1. Art enriches all our lives.
Don't believe me? From the cars we drive, clothes we wear, programs we watch on TV all have be influenced by art. It's not just about functionality but how something looks is also important. Designer spend hours getting things to look just right. By buying original Artwork from a living Robin Hood's Bay Artist or Sculptor you'll enrich your surroundings.
Robin Hood's Bay in the glow of sunset by Trish Connell
2. There's a growing trend in the UK of purchasing online from small independent retailers. With people shopping more responsibly as we realise what an impact our choices make to the natural world and local communities. By buying from a living Robin Hood's Bay Artist or Sculptor you'll be supporting a local community.
3. If you buy directly from a Robin Hood's Bay Artist or Sculptor the pricing will be more competitive as a Gallery or agent hasn't added their percentage.
4. By buying from a Robin Hood's Bay Artist or Sculptor you are supporting someone's dream, validating their work is good enough and perhaps making them dance for joy.
Staithes Beck on a Summer's Day by Louise Connell.
5. If you buy from and encourage Robin Hood's Bay Artists and Sculptors at the beginning of their artistic careers you can often pick up beautiful original pieces at affordable prices.
So that's five reasons to buy from living Robin Hood's Bay Artists and Sculptors.
Find out about local artists in your area, show them you care about the arts.